Have you ever tried to call an electrician? It happens when you feel an emergency and wants to get immediate help from expert electricians. Most people choose the first option they get because the proper emergency services require a quick response.
However, it is common to observe that you have a short time waiting for the emergency electrician to reach out to you. We understand that you cannot stay longer; however, you still have a little time.
In this short time, people try their best to solve the problem. This time requires very careful dealing, and you should know what you should do and what to avoid regardless of the circumstances.
First of all, we should focus on the don’ts so that you can prevent yourself in case of an emergency while waiting for the emergency electrician.
Don’ts: when you are waiting for the emergency electrician
In the following lines, you will read about what you should avoid in case of an electrical emergency and immediately call emergency electrician.
1. Don’t get in touch with fallen power lines
Very few people know that fallen power lines are more significant at the risk of electrocution, and this is due to the very high voltage present in them. So, if you are waiting for the emergency electrician, you should not be showing your smartness and keep yourself away from the fallen power lines. No matter what has caused your power lines to fall to the ground, you should wait for an emergency electrician or inform the council about it instead of getting in touch with the fallen power lines. In most cases, the power lines fall due to storms, hurricanes or fast winds. The tree branches can also cause it.
When you call the emergency electrician, he will also guide you on what kind of and to what extent the damage is caused to your home.

2. Avoid touching if someone is electrocuted
Whenever electricity problems occur, it is also observed that someone falls victim to the electrical shock and gets electrocuted. At this time, you should not be showing your smartness by physically touching the person and solving the problem. Instead, you should immediately provide first aid without touching him. When you touch the electrocuted person, a high voltage that is travelling inside the body of the other man will also start travelling into your body, and you will also become electrocuted.
But the fact is, at this stage, many people do not know what they should do to solve the problem. Here are a few tips that you can implement to solve the issue on your own until the emergency electricians and first aid team reach out to you.
Do not physically touch the person because sometimes touching such a person enhances his injury or pain. It can also result in the transmission of electrical shock to you.
Call your 000 if you want to provide immediate first aid.
After focusing on the above steps, you should immediately contact an emergency electrician. If you want to get the ultimate solution to your problem, fast and without corners being cut, contact LiVE Services Group today!
3. Do not attempt fixing any electrical problems when the power is turned on
Some people make the mistake of fixing emergency repairs on their own. Remember that you can definitely do small replacements, such as replacing the blown-out bulb, but fixing the big problems does not make sense. The situation gets worse when you do not consider the importance of emergency electrical services and immediately try to fix the things while the electricity is turned on.
So even if you have to solve the problems on your own, it is highly advised to shut down the power to your home first so that you will be able to prevent yourself from accidental situations.
Do’s: things to do during an electrical emergency situation
You will learn what to do during, after, and before the electrical emergency situation in the upcoming lines. When you proceed with these steps, you can control a lot of further accidents from happening. So let’s get started and have a look at these important actions that you must take while waiting for the emergency electrician to reach out to you.
1. Do: Use a power surge protector
It is common to observe that various electrical emergencies occur when our lightning, thunderstorms, hurricanes, or any other natural calamity puts pressure on the electrical wires, circuits, and other setups. As a result, we may face a lot of blackouts, and it can also result in various electrical emergencies.
As a permanent solution and precautionary measure to this problem, we recommend you install power surge protection. It will prevent the overloading of your home circuits many blackouts and, and thus, you can significantly reduce the chances of damage.
2. Do cut off the use of extension cords
Many people do not understand the problems associated with the over-reliance on extension cords. It is no secret that it can easily cause electrical fires or result in short circuits. The long term and permanent solution to this problem is the installation of extra plugs and electrical sockets so that you will be able to reduce the strain on the circuits and power boards.
3. Do handle the electrical equipment with dry hands
Sometimes you may drop electrical appliances accidentally in water. In this situation, some people try getting them out of the water using bare hands. As a result, when the wet hands get in touch with the electrical appliances in water, immediately you become electrocuted.
It is highly advised to think again and again before getting in touch with electrical appliances. However, if you are proceeding with dry hands, there are very few chances of mixing up water and electricity. So, it is highly advised to dry your hands thoroughly before dealing with electrical equipment.
4. Do invest in fire extinguisher
The fire extinguishers that are suitable for electrical fires are the need of every home and commercial property. This is because they prevent the risk of electrocution of the individuals and perfectly solve the issues related to home fires.
Successfully deal with disasters by calling our expert emergency electricians
We are experts in handling your immediate electrical emergencies with a 100% guarantee and ensure the safety of the whole system so that you can get a safe home electrical setup by working with the registered, accredited and certified team at Live Service Group
Call Live Services Group anytime on 1800 548 332 or fill in the form to lodge a job with us today!